From v1.0.14 all YJSG based templates come with responsive layout support that also includes responsive menu.
To keep up with current web standards YJSG framework v1.0.14 and UP supports HTML5 markup language.
YJSG Template Manager is one of the most interesting features our framework has to offer. We combined most used and most asked features and put them in a beautifully styled accordions for easy access and fast editing.
Take advantage of YJSG template framework and feel free to use it on Joomla 1.5 [?] , 2.5 and 3.0.
So that you can take advantage of easy Joomla updates, we used single code base ( template install packages ) for all Joomla! versions starting from Joomla 1.6.
YJSG comes with 7 grids of 5 module positions , 3 grids of 3 modules positions and mainbody grid modules positions mix, which makes it one of the most flexible Joomla! templates framework.
Mainbody grid layout consists of component output, module positions (left,right,insettop,instebottom) and 2 module grids above and under component output. You can chosse from 3 mainbody grid layouts:
Left-Mid-Right, Mid-Left-Right, Right-Left-Mid.
Starting from v1.0.14 YJSG comes with enhanced typography
and list of useful shortcodes like:
Notifications, Boxes, Image effects, HTML5 videos and complete range of Bootstrap shortcodes.
With 52 modules grid system there are no layout limits in any YJSG based template. Version 1.0.14 includes forceleft and forceright module class names that will let you space distances between the modules in a grid or simply force the module container width and float to specific side.
YJSG based templates come with support for RTL ( right to left language ) like Arabic, Hebrew or Syriac.
YJSG based templates are cross browser compatible and are built for:
IE8 and up, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari.
From v1.0.14 all YJSG powered templates will let you use 600+ Google fonts, unlimited @font-face kits, and 15 CSS font types. All these can be easily switched to from template manager.
YJSG comes with array of custom options and parameters like: 220 FontAwesome icons , smooth scroll class, top menu , header or logo off switch, Google Pretty print (v1.0.14 and up ), HTML5 videos , Google Analytics, custom css for easy template extend and many more.
YJSG Templates come with 5 different menu types. Dropdown, SmoothDropdown, Dropline, SmoothDropline, Split menu and from version 1.0.14 support for Bootstrap pill and Bootstrap navbar menu. To take a full advantage of built in menu system please download and install YJSG Mega Menu Plugin.
To maximize the menu space all YJ Simple Grid powered templates demos come with YJ Mega Menu ( plugin ) that will let you group your menu items or even include modules within your menu.
From v1.0.14 we included less php class that compiles LESS CSS and normal CSS files and this way let you take advantage of JBoostrap plugin for Joomla! 2.5 or built in Bootstrap system that comes with Joomla! 3.x.
YJSG is built with end users in mind that would like to take advantage of this framework and make unlimited website layouts and combinations. Custom params and rich extend functions will give you the freedom to extend YJSG to fit your desired website layout.
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